Author: Abdul Waheed Khan

Abdul Waheed Khan is a 3D designer, part of Sify e-Learning; a tech enthusiast with a passion for fine arts, movies, video games, and anime. This combination of interests helps Waheed to bring a fresh and unique perspective.
With AI becoming authors of literary works, what bodes for the future of writing… Abdul Waheed Khan opines. In recent years, one of the biggest developments in technology has been in the domain of artificial intelligence (AI). This is because AI has the potential to dramatically change the way people work by automating and quickening many tasks that used to take days or weeks to complete by hand. One such task is writing. Once thought of as the keep of the learned, writing is now at the cusp of becoming the plaything of digital intelligence. AI-powered tools have been dubbed…
Abdul Waheed Khan gives you the rundown on the good, the bad and the ugly of hustle culture and how it is changing the nature of employment itself! Hustle culture has taken the world by storm in recent years, with a growing number of individuals embracing the belief that hard-work and determination are the keys to success. This includes a focus on activities such as getting more clients, building affiliate campaigns, and driving traffic to websites, as well as a general drive to constantly improve and strive for more. Hustle culture encourages people to pursue their passions and goals with…