Author: Dinesh Elumalai

Dinesh is an aspiring commerce graduate who enjoys reading about technology and exploring video games and expressing his views through writing on the experience he had which keeps him satisfied.

Coding Vs. Programming is an often encountered point of misunderstanding. Despite their frequent interchangeability, words contain subtle distinctions – Dinesh explains. Dani has spent his whole childhood playing video games, and he is both obsessed and in awe of how they operate. Every day, he questions how these incredible graphics and almost human-like figures that he can manage with a single gamepad button push are made. Image Credit: ArtPhoto_studio on Freepik Finally, tired of being confused, he makes the decision to investigate the magic underlying everything. He learned that in order to achieve those amazing effects, he had to learn…

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Internet IOT

Nav Ocular leverages the power of light to provide seamless internet connectivity within the confines of your home, promising to redefine the way we access, experience the internet. Dear readers, some of you might feel this article is based on some sci-fiction novel/movie or that I am scribbling something out of my imagination but that is not true. Yes, you read the heading right, it is LiFi technology. A new term that is going to reach the market in the near future. This internet connectivity will provide you a high speed connection through the power of light. Hard to believe?…

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Cloud Computing IOT

Role of a capable partner in guiding an organisation through this intricate maze of optimisation cannot be overstated. The corporate world has been split by cloud computing. While it has undoubtedly generated compelling value propositions for global organisations, it has also produced a number of concerns. In this post, we will look at how organisations may optimise their operations by implementing a cloud repatriation plan. However, it’s a heated debate in the corporate world. While the benefits are undeniable, so are the challenges. In this post, we’ll explore the concept of ‘cloud repatriation’ – the process of moving data and…

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The Indian SaaS ecosystem has a bright future as long as investors continue to be optimistic about Vertical SaaS and its ability to access the country’s sizable SMB market. Everyone has witnessed the progressive transition from manual to automatic gearboxes. It’s interesting to wonder if the Indian IT sector is going through a similar transition. Are we seeing the digital capabilities and user interface of SaaS gradually replacing the manual procedures of different sectors? Similar to how automatic gearboxes make driving easier and effective, SaaS is streamlining company operations all throughout the country. This change is especially intriguing in India,…

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Get ready to test your reflexes, accuracy, and gaming prowess as you step into the shoes of a virtual hunter, ready to conquer the skies one duck at a time. Hello to our happy readers and gamers. Today we shall look at the awesome shooting game which according to me was “007”. This iconic game, designed by Gunpei Yokoi and Hiroshi Yamauchi, embodies Nintendo’s innovative spirit and laid the foundation for future gaming experiences. Armed with the NES Zapper, gamers aim to take down flying objects in a variety of settings. Hurray! you say? Right, it’s none other than the…

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“Tetris, you brought us the delight in simplicity and taught us more than just stacking”, says Dinesh. Few names ring as true in the world of video games as Tetris. Born in the depths of Soviet Russia in the 1980s, this legendary puzzle game has crossed decades and platforms to become a timeless classic. Tetris has grabbed the hearts and minds of gamers all across the world with its deceptively basic yet addicting gameplay.  I recall playing this game with my friends and clearing the lines for hours in order to earn high scores on our portable devices. I’d like…

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Get ready to be sucked into a world of mysterious old secrets, dangerous tombs, and exciting adventures with Dinesh. Step into the footsteps of the renowned explorer Lara Croft and unleash your inner explorer as you get set for an adrenaline-filled expedition! Since its release, the popular action-adventure video game series Tomb Raider has won the hearts of millions of fans, and the anticipation for each new instalment only increases. Get ready to be sucked into a world of mysterious old secrets, dangerous tombs, and exciting adventures! The courageous and resourceful Lara Croft is at the centre of this incredible…

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‘Aladdin’ is more than just a game; it’s a portal to the cherished memories of our youth, says Dinesh Elumalai. Let’s travel back to the Golden Era of gaming, early 1990s, when a fantastical story enchanted players both young and old. We were taken on a stunning voyage through the busy streets of Agrabah and the ethereal treasures of the Cave of treasures in “Aladdin,” the legendary computer game based on the Disney animated classic. This side-scrolling platformer was created and distributed by Virgin Interactive for a number of game systems, such as the Sega Genesis, Super Nintendo, and later…

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A spectacular racing game that has captured players’ attention with its fast-paced action and difficult gameplay says Dinesh. Thrilling racing game Road Fighter sends players on a high-speed drive across difficult roads and congested traffic. Road Fighter, which Konami created and launched in 1984, immediately rose to fame among arcade gamers. The goal of the game is straightforward but thrilling: go around a network of curving roads without colliding with anything while getting to the finish line before time runs out. Players must demonstrate their reflexes, accuracy, and strategic decision-making as they take the wheel of their sleek racing automobile…

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Dinesh on Bomberman’s lasting impact on the gaming industry with its addictive gameplay, multiplayer innovation, and enduring popularity. Since the launch of the Nintendo Switch four decades ago, it has been a momentous occasion for many gamers because the introduction of new technology is always thrilling. But for a bunch of gamers who have had a difficult time, it’s also a thrilling and nerve-wracking time, supporters of Bomberman. Bomberman is a classic video game series for folks my age (30 and up, if you must know; you blasted many walls then). This article is for you if you don’t know…

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