Author: Gourav

Gourav is a Software Engineer and a Budding ML Engineer, passionate to design and develop experiences to make people's lives simpler yet protected and secure. He's also an avid sport enthusiast and a crazy Formula 1 fan. Can be reached to have an intriguing conversation about sports and tech or to just rant about old school ways.
What if human beings could better their brain built across millennia through evolution? Gourav looks at the possibility of just such a technology and its implications. We all think, act, react, ponder, decide, and memorize with the help of our brain. It is a very intriguing, interesting, and an exciting part of our human body and contributes drastically to our human ecosystem. It is also still a mystery as to how our brain, one of the most complex systems found in nature, functions. Imagine an artificial copy of our human brain that can do the same without our help. If…
Explained: How even the simplest of day-to-day activities are deeply influenced by ML & AI. Will it become a life-changer? On any given day, a regular human being does several activities which are performed ritually and without fail. From cleaning to eating and drinking and finding our way across our environments, human life involves many activities that are deemed Activity of Daily Living, or ADL. We have performed these activities in the past without any technological help or advice. Throughout human history, man has invented many a tool to improve the execution of these ADLs, and our current age is…