Author: Nithya Selvaraj

Nithya Selvaraj is a huge Business Case study aficionado aspiring to build a career in Digital & Telecom. She also loves to spend her time playing badminton and basketball. Feel free to get in touch with her for inspiring conversations and connects.

Green Cloud is vastly becoming the preferred choice for customers, and all the major Cloud players are heading in that direction Over the years, computing technology has become an essential part of the global infrastructure leading to the rise in data usage and computing devices. The idea behind Green Cloud Computing is to minimize the energy consumed by the hardware used in the process of Cloud Computing. Apart from achieving efficient processing, it also utilizes computing architecture and minimizes energy consumption. This concept of going green ensures that the growth in this sphere doesn’t have any adverse effects on the…

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Nithya Selvaraj goes through the history of telcos, their impact on society and its natural evolution to 5g technology On March 7, 1876, inventor, scientist, and engineer Alexander Graham Bell patented the first practical telephone and secured official rights to the discovery; days later, he made the first phone call to his partner, Thomas Watson. This year, 2022, will mark the completion of 146 years since one of the greatest inventions. The telecommunications industry has evolved and grown since then, from hunky landline handsets to the new-age smartphones. The landscape has changed for the telecom industry with the rapid growth…

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