Author: Uma Iyer

Uma currently works as a delivery lead in a leading bank managing anti-money laundering projects. She started her career setting up and managing data centers and disaster recovery centers moving on to setting up niche healthcare business analysis teams. She would like to share her experiences and best practices across industries in view of a common user. The comments reflect the author's views and not the bank or Sify's.
Uma Iyer reflects on the future of layoffs in a post-pandemic economy witnessing the rise of Artificial Intelligence The prospect of being laid off has been the terror for employees since COVID. Although this fear eventually eased off, it was viewed as inevitable in view of rising inflation and an impending recession. The current Google firing has brought it to fruition and it is hard to say if it is one of many to come in the wake of tools like ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence taking over the mantle from the unfortunate employees. Image Credit: Wikipedia Right from Elon Musk…
With Augmented Reality bending our sense of the ‘real’, cognitive learning becomes important to keep the users safe, Uma Iyer explores… Augmented Reality (AR), as it says on the tin, is reality extended to see the things normal eyes may not perceive. Place your phone on the hand and augmented reality can show the parts of the bones that connect to the tissues and muscles. Ironman movie concepts are not a myth. So, when one manipulates the reality, while ‘altering’, ‘extending’ or ‘augmenting’ it, it does come with its fair share of challenges along with the scores of benefits that…
Ever wondered how fonts can impact the very development of technological progress? Uma Iyer explains how fonts changed the movement of technology itself. Think about reading a full article in the font above and typing hundreds of commands to get to the article you are reading. The fact is that we take many things for granted. One of the most important aspects of anyone getting to an article and reading it has a lot to do with not only how it’s structured, but subconsciously how it renders on a device as well. Technology currently would be very different but for…
Uma Iyer examines the ins and outs of the biggest data centers across India, and their plans for the future With a tightening of regulations, data centers are becoming highly localized. There are over 130 data centers in India and are expected to power 1700 MW by 2025. “The current data centre capacity is around 870 mw which is expected to double to 1,700-1,800 mw by fiscal 2025, according to a Crisil report which says this massive growth is being powered by the troika of data boom, digital adoption and local data storage mandates. This massive capacity addition will require…
Uma Iyer explores the dire prospects that sit in the path of the IT industry in the face of a possible global economic slowdown With the COVID crisis looming over China once again and a predicted economic slowdown, hard times are looking far from over. The IMF predicts that the largest economies China, Euro and the United States are slowing down. The worst, however, is yet to come and 2023 will be like a recession. The cost of living crisis has become more apparent. While the dollar strengthens, inflation in the emerging markets and developing countries like India are going…
Uma Iyer explores the strange new world of click baits, why they are so effective, and how you are compelled to click on it One click is enough to trigger a series of events. Click baits are the new ‘pied pipers’ of news! There are teams who are able to come up with very creative click baits. Click baits are what it says on the tin, bait for the user to be lured into and either get information, or manipulate users or increase readability of web-pages. Click baits can range from headlines to pictures. Click here to get a Rs…
Uma Iyer examines the characteristics, both positive and negative, of leaders that often drive innovation but by maximizing toxicity in workspaces What do Elon Musk and Steve Jobs have in common? They are viewed as leaders keen to create and roll out products that not only help generations view technology differently but also extremely user-friendly. They both have been viewed as leaders who are disrupting the work culture in the organization particularly creating anxiety in search of perfection! But both are also seen as toxic in their own right. Berating employees, forcing them to work longer hours at static pays,…
Uma Iyer critiques the efficacy and ethicality of digital era marketing ploys that lure unprepared consumers into their traps I was speaking to a friend about the Maldives getting submerged in the next ten years due to global warming and why I really need to start planning the visit soon. Lo and behold, I get feeds on my Facebook page about trips to Maldives! I did not search, but I merely said Maldives! Then I was thinking about a tennis holiday, I didn’t even say it, but I see tennis holidays on my feed! Are the devices in my house…
Uma Iyer examines and explains the pitfalls of an incoming digital colonialism When Elon Musk walked in with a sink in the Twitter office, he made a very poignant entry. His voice directed at his dissent on banning voices on the internet. Donald Trump was banned from Twitter for fears of inciting the public. In the world of free speech, where one draws the line remains debatable! Elon Musk – Image Credit: Twitter Image Credit: Twitter Think of a visual where there is the actual earth and underground lines running in the deep trenches of the sea trying to connect…
Uma Iyer explores cost-effective, lasting support mechanisms that would aid in improving quality of life and making technology truly inclusive Access decisions are made in view of the majority. Sign boards cater to the majority of language speakers. Signs on buses, trains, and toilets are for the ones that can visually identify the clues. Physical or virtual systems developed are a cruel reminder of how the ‘abled’ build the systems for the ‘dis-abled’ without including them in the process. Even in the physical world, in developing nations, we see the vendors serving the majority on the foot-paths needed for wheelchair…